PUBLIC INFORMATION: With Online Services, limited public information is available. Click on the PROPERTY INFORMATION icon above or click here.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: Registration is required to view personal information. You need the roll/folio number(s) Access Code(s) found on your tax notice to register.
- Click the Link & Register button on the top bar, or My Account in the Quick Links box.
- Click Show Me How to create a new account. You will need a Roll Number and Access Code/Pin (found on your property tax notice) to add a Property Tax account, and your Account Number and Access Code/Pin to add a Utility Billing account.
- You can link additional personal accounts to your profile under Property Information.
- Following the initial registration, you can log in using the LOGIN icon on the top right.
Contact us at 604-796-2235 if you need further information, or assistance in registering.